
The year is 2020. National lockdown.

Jeff decides he wanted to use his spare time and bizarre mash-up of random assorted skills to bring some joy to the world which seems to be falling apart around him.

Jeff Makes Games was born

Hello! I’m Jeff, and as these logos would suggest, I make games.

It’s been an enormous hobby for of mine for over half my life but I’ve never done anything worthwhile with it.

Then my beautiful daughter was born, 6 days before the world completely broke. My perspective shifted somewhat and I decided my limited spare time should be spent working towards something bigger. Something worthwhile.

Mid-September 2020, I finally sat down to work on an idea.

October 2020 - Brock Hop

I released my first game after just a few weeks. It was a bit of a wild experiment that went very well, but I was very happy with the finished result. Brock is my brain-child and I will defend his honour at any cost.

At this point it was just me working solo. But as time marched on, people approached me wanting to help in any way possible. Offering services like graphical assets, advertising, quality control, etc. Thanks to these wonderful people, I no longer see this as a strictly solo effort.

And let's face it, my wife is essentially my boss at this point.

As such...

make way for Jelliebox games

The name is a hybrid of "Jeff" and one of my many odd nicknames for my eldest daughter.

...I refuse to be held accountable for any early logo choices.

February 2021 - Colourfall

The surprisingly anticipated Colourfall dropped a few months after Brock Hop and landed very elegantly on its feet, receiving 5 star reviews across the board.

April 2022 - No Way Up

Navigating mazes and the feeling of being completely lost have never been so great!

Being a primarily solo effort, I obviously don’t have the time and budget that bigger studios have available, but there's passion and drive! Everything I produce is made with all the love and attention possible, and will live in a permanent state of ongoing support.

Currently I am only developing for Android and Steam. (Sorry Apple folks!)

I like to work closely with the community, and everybody’s opinions, advice and general ideas are welcomed with open arms. All your feedback is appreciated, whether positive or negative. Although let’s face it, positive is what I'm aiming for!

My goal is to one day be a full-time games developer, rather than an incredibly enthusiastic hobbyist.

Ignore that, because it totally happened! Thanks to everyone for your continued support.

Fear not, JellieBox will continue.

If you've made it this far, you're a hero.

Thanks for reading about my journey. I hope you enjoy my games and continue to be awesome.
