No way up

Important notice: No Way Up is currently being rebuilt from the ground up.

The feedback provided during Early Access has made it clear that people want more of a challenge, and I want to be able to bring you the best experience possible. As such, the game is scheduled to be released with a completely new style, darker atmosphere, with better controls and more significant interaction with the world.

Please bear with me during this time!

No Way Up is a simple maze-themed game where your goal is to reach the end of the dungeon you're in.

Unfortunately, that inevitably leads to another dungeon. Which leads to... well, you get the idea.

No Way Up uses basic mechanics and is hugely customisable with a heart-warming story of betrayal at its core.

You'll encounter puzzles, traps and various characters who you'll take charge of to help you reach your ultimate goal:


The game features a tilted top-down view of a world that pops into existence around you as you explore.
But there are a variety of level types which will change your perspective.

Don't like the dark levels? Turn them off.

Don't like first person? Turn it off.

Tired of running everywhere? Turn that off!

I've tried very hard to create an atmosphere with this game. Every dungeon will look different, and no matter how many times you decide you want to play your favourite one, it will never look the same way twice. Walls, floors, props, everything cosmetic is randomly decided on as the level pops up. Level-loading is seamless, and you'll never leave the game world unless you actively choose to... Or manage to get out.

The soundtrack that plays throughout the game is overlayed with a series of very short, snappy sound bites (that I recorded myself - be nice) which play completely out of sequence at random intervals, just to keep you on edge a bit.